Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are possible causes for early releasing the golf club in the downswing?

I am looking for reasons, drills, or suggestions to help fix an early release in the golf swing.|||It could be from trying to kill the ball, or trying to help get the ball airborne. It could also possibly be a fear of injuring your wrists/hands from digging the club into the turf. Whether this is a conscious or subconscious thing, I don't know, but it can be a real problem.

The release should happen naturally, if everything in the sequence is performed in the correct order. That is, the hips unwind first, then the chest, then the arms, and finally the clubhead/wrists. If something gets out of sequence, that could lead to you flipping your club at the ball. There is a way to feel this, however:

Take your club, slowly, to the top of the backswing. Once there, stop. Let go of the club with your right hand (if you're a righty). Hook your right index finger around the shaft, about 3/4ths of the way closer to the clubhead. Slowly start your downswing, and home in how your wrist feels while your holding back the club. As you near impact, let go with your index finger, and how your wrist properly fires through impact.|||what do you mean by early release?|||I strongly suggest these three programs, I've used them all at one time or another throughout my college career:




Alternatively you can find something here:


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