Friday, September 16, 2011

What are some examples of passive racism in golf today?

My social science teacher gave me a D on an essay because he said that golf is very fair today and Tiger Woods is a good example. My examples were getting a bad tee time, not getting memberships at private clubs, getting ignored at the golf store, getting reminded about slow play by the marshall...He said this happens to everyone.|||I'm not sure, but I never let Arabs caddy for me.|||I believe, what your social science teacher was implying is that the examples you gave were potentials for anyone rather than any one race. He was probably looking for more concrete situations. (refusal of a tee time , being refused service at a golf store due to a prejudice, being declined membership due to race, racial comments or offensive jokes.....things like that.)|||Sometimes if you're playing slow a marshall might ask you to speed up and you might be getting ignored at a store but it might just be because working at a golf store is a bad job and people don't care to help customers. Sometimes things won't go your way but that doesn't mean it's racism. Not being given membership at a private club because of race is blatant racism. Everything else is just normal life which we all experience. At some point in the future your fast food order might get mixed up and it won't be racism, it'll just be a mistake.|||The major issue in golf at the moment is socioeconomic rather than racial. People from lower economic classes don't have access to equipment or courses. A basketball is like 20 bucks, you can use it for years. Tee times at municipal courses are rarely under 30 bucks for ONE round.

Anyone can get a tee time, they don't ask you if you're black on the phone. And marshals do harass everyone, it's their job, anyone with common sense ignores them.

Someone not being allowed to join a private club due to race isn't 'passive' racism. How do you prove that though? Does the selection committee make a public statement that 'we don't admit non-whites'. A private club is a PRIVATE club, they can admit who they want, it's their property. Granted that is a seperate issue.|||I would have given you a "D' too. Your examples were poor and your whole point was weak.|||the sport is not affordable to start playing for poor youth. it seen as a white sport. tell your teacher he is a racist.|||Well, the comment about eating watermelon and other ethnic foods when Tiger won his green jacket was racial. Also, allowing him to play at certain places that do not allow Black members is another. Your social science teacher is living with blinders on but your examples were pretty weak. Hope this helps.|||I heard an anouncer say "Tigah Wood, Tigah Wood" in a southern accent when Tiger was on TV. That seemed racist.

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