Saturday, September 10, 2011

What Golf Country Club in the Bellevue Washington Area is affordable for a family?

We are a family of (4) considering relocating to the Bellevue, Kirkland, are of Washington. We love to golf and belong to an affordable golf club in the twin cities. Is there something affordable out in the Seattle area that would offer housing close by, or possibly on the golf course?|||No. If you are looking for "affordable" then, stay in the twin cities.

This is the equivalent of asking if you can find a affordable house on Lake of the Isles...

Bellevue and Kirkland are the heart of the posh east side Seattle suburbs. Look to pay anywhere from 700K up to be close to a golf course. Microsoft %26amp; it's millionaires have driven up prices in the area.

You might find affordable and golf course way out in the far northwest suburbs (Monroe, Snohomish) or the southwest suburbs (Black Diamond, Covington) - Then you are stuck with multi hour commutes each way to Seattle.

I have looked and there is no way to specify on the local real estate websites 'golf course' so, if you want to pursue it, contact a Realtor at one of the two big agencies below: John L Scott or Windermere

Good Luck

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