Saturday, September 10, 2011

What is a good golf game to play if you are sponsering a hole at a golf tournament?

Our company is sponsoring a golf tournament. We are going to be sponsoring some of the holes on the tee boxs handing out prizes. We need a game that we can play for the prizes. We have one game where the players try to hit a tennis ball into a bucket and if they get it in, they get a prize, but we need some more ideas for our other holes. Please Help with some ideas that you guys have done at golf tournaments, or just ones that you have heard of.|||Let's not forget about the all important and highly regarded closest in 2 shots. (On a par 4 or par 5.) Most alcohol consumed?|||You can always try beating the Pro for closest to the pin!

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|||On a par 3 have people bet money that they will hit it on the green and if they do they win double there money if they dont then they lose money! Example u bet 5 dollars that u will hit the green and u miss u lose ur money but if u hit it then u make 5 extra dollars

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|||when the players come up on a par three have a table set up with a nice looking girl and have a good player there to hit a shot to the green challenging the golfer to hit it closer then him. Its called beat the pro. Most golfers like challenges so it should be a hit

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|||Have competitions within the tournament on certain holes.


Longest Drive (on a par 4 or 5)

Closest to the pin (on a par 3)

Longest put (on any green)

just a few examples of what i've seen.|||On a medium length Par 3, get someone to be on the Tee throughout and charge a sum of money per player to hit the green, if they hit the green they win a prize, that way, the cash pays for the prizes (or raises money) and people have a bit of fun.


Get the pro out (if you can!), and people can pay to challenge the Pro to get closer to the pin thean he/she can and if they do they win a prize|||On a par 5 hole or long par 4 hole with straight fairway, have a longest drive (must land on the fairway) contest.

On a hole with a water hazard, play the ball that got closest to the water without getting wet.

On the shortest par 3 hole, closest to the pin.

On the largest green, the longest putt in the hole.|||longest drive

closest to the pin

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