He's just plain ignorant! Meaning, he doesn't know ANYTHING about golf....just the old out-dated stereotypes.
"Paid for hitting a ball?"....how is that different from soccer or baseball?
and....he probably couldn't even do THAT!
Not really worth the trouble to try to convince him, as he seems to be an idiot, anyway. So, I suggest you don't bother discussing golf when he's around.
If he really starts to annoy you, get in his face and tell him that golfers, at least, EARN their money...unlike NFL or NBA players that get paid just for being on the team!|||Ha I love golf.. Im really good to. I go through the same problem too. The best way you can deal with him is to ignore him or take him out to play and show off yo skillz!! And plus he will end up playing golf when he is older (to get away from his wife or play with his boss) LoL
Dont Trip =P
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|||I have the same problem. I am on the golf team at school and they all tell me it is for old ppl and stuff. I just forget it. When you get a scolarship to collage and a LOT of money, you will be the one laughing at them. Don' t worry about it!
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|||dude .. my friend r just like that , get them to come out and play w/ u then theyll see ... that is if ur good , always rember put up or shut up
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|||just attack them with the clubs, they always say something better if you do. I have friends that make fun of me because I play golf. So I take them with me and make them made because I just got par and there trying to get a +4
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|||Take him to a 175 yard par 3 island green and tell him to hit the ball next to the flag.
Oh yea, you have 14 clubs to choose from to do this. Have at it!
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|||Your friend needs to see some golf equipment use method and products to understand, such ability make oneself of the golf technology improved tobuygolf.com
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|||Your friend obviously doesn't know what he is talking about and you will probably never persuade him that golf is a fantastic sport for kids, young men, old men, women, girls, etc.
Here is an interesting fact from the PGA Tour this year:
"The PGA Tour looks like it's getting younger all the time. It sure appears that way, with eight winners so far this year in their 20s, including 27-year-old Adam Scott and 22-year-old Anthony Kim the last two weeks."
I guess there will always be two types of people; those that love golf and those that don't - who cares as long as you enjoy playing golf.|||Ignore your friend learning golf is not only a fun sport and when you get older it makes for a great resource for networking and furthering your career. I know many kids that laughed at me when I was young but now they arent playing golf with the CEO. :)|||Your friend is a moron. If he thinks its easy let him play a round. Its like every other sport...Football=paid to throw or catch a ball, bball=paid to put a ball through a hole. Not to mention if you walk, its easily 3 or 4 miles with a 30+ lb bag on your back. And id be willing to bet that 90% of players on the PGA tour are far more athletic than him....Look at some of them.|||Tell him that you can beat him in golf and bet hundreds of dollars. if he says its an old man sport then he should be able to hit it 280 Yards. Yeah so prove him wrong and remind him of Tiger Woods and all of the money.
P.S. Your friend is a jealouse moron|||my friends say the same to me expect they are harder on me since I'm a girl playing a man or old man . it is their opinion so if that is what they think then don't involve them|||Whenever he says that just smile and ignore it. As long as you enjoy playing golf that's the main thing.
And when he takes up golf as an old man you'll kick his ***.|||Dont be frustrated by other's ignorance. Make a bet he cant hit shoot x or hit it x yards. Some people are just going to be ignorant. I|||People who don't understand golf just haven't found the bug yet
I feel the same attitude towards NASCAR racing. Just a group of guys driving too fast on a left hand turn|||Ignore the fool. Hes scared to even try because he's a wuss.|||I think your friend is afraid of old men....
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