Saturday, September 10, 2011


Why would a player need to “drop a ball”?

How does the honour system in golf work?

After teeing off how is the order of play for the hole determined?

What happens if during play a person loses their ball?|||You need to drop a ball in a few situations. First if you hit your ball into the water, if you loose a ball in high grass or any other way, or if you hit it and it lands in a situation that it is impossible to hit from there. You may need to take a stroke for it. The honer system is basically you being trusted to do the right thing in any situation. Following the rules and having the integrity to do whats right in certain situations. The way that play is determined after teeing off is simple. The person who had the shortest drive or tee off will hit first. It goes on from there.... The person that is the farthest from the hole at any given point will always be hitting followed by the next farthest away until everyone has made the ball in the hole. If you loose a ball you will either drop one where you last saw it, or have to hit over from where you originally hit from. Either way you have to take a stroke.|||For these techniques that you want to see some website

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|||If you hit your ball into the water, if you loose a ball in high grass or any other way, or if you hit it and it lands in a situation that it is impossible to hit from there. The honer system is you being trusted to do the right thing in any situation. The way that play is determined after teeing off is simple. The person who had the shortest drive or tee off will hit first. The person that is the farthest from the hole at any given point will always be hitting followed by the next farthest away until everyone has made the ball in the hole. If you loose a ball you will either drop one where you last saw it, or have to hit over from where you originally hit from.

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